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Polar Focus® Audio Rigging, Speaker Rigging, Line Array Rigging
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`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

Custom Beam Attachment

Custom Beam Attachment

Sometimes there is just no way to safely attach to a roof structure with any stock components for a speaker rigging project. This is especially true when attaching to large laminated or solid wood beams in house of worship installations. Based on geometry of the beam involved, we can usually design and build to order in 3-5 days. [break] Please note, wood laminated beams are frequently sized slightly off (larger) than the architectural drawings may indicate. Also, a beam at one end of the building may be slightly different than a beam at the other end. We prefer to build to actual measurements of the specific beam under consideration. [break] Sloped steel beams also may require custom beam attachment since standard beam clamps are not rated for use on sloped beams, and some jurisdictions will not allow for a friction connection on a sloped beam. [break] Pro audio rigging design, roof attachment, supplemental structure, sales, support and PE stamped drawings in any US State provided by Polar Focus. Call us today for more information at (413) 586-4444.

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