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Polar Focus Audio Rigging – Site Survey and Installation | Polar Focus
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`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

On Site Services

Polar Focus Audio Rigging offers two types of On Site Services:

Site Survey

Some organizations don’t have the equipment or skills to accurately measure
roof beams 60’ in the air while never leaving the ground. Some organizations that
do have these skills and equipment may find themselves shorthanded at busy times
of the year. Site survey services provided by Polar Focus technicians can meet these

Direction of Installation

Large installations are more than just a lot of equipment to install. To be
accomplished efficiently, they require a good sense of product flow, working with
crew members starting with the easiest tasks and building towards the more
complicated tasks. A Polar Focus crew chief can direct your installation crew (or
labor crew assigned by the electrical contractor, in those circumstances) to get the
job done when your organization doesn’t have the skills or capacity to complete the
job in house.

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