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Polar Focus® Audio Rigging, Speaker Rigging, Line Array Rigging
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`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

For OEM Danley

For OEM Danley

This family consists of products configured specifically for supporting Danley Sound Labs products in loudspeaker rigging. [break] If you`re a user or installer of Danley products and you don`t see what you need for your audio rigging, please let us know. Two Zbeam® configurations are the initial entries in this product family for audio rigging of Danley boxes. [break] If you`re a user or installer of Danley Sound Labs products and you don`t see what you need for your audio rigging, please let us know. We can help! We frequently design and build custom systems. [break] Pro audio rigging design, roof attachment, supplemental structure, sales, support and PE stamped drawings in any US State provided by Polar Focus. Call us today for more information at (413) 586-4444.

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