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Polar Focus® Audio Rigging, Speaker Rigging, Line Array Rigging
What We Do How Our Products Work About the Company FAQ Contact Us

`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

Custom Products

Custom Products

Polar Focus® designs and manufactures custom products to your specification for a wide range of installation or portable applications. [break] Do you need your line array to move laterally on a trolley beam, in addition to pan and tilt? Do you need an unusual outdoor wind rated mount for a special application? Special roof attachment systems? Cart systems for storing or using loudspeakers? [break] We design and build all of these on a regular basis. Because we perform these tasks frequently, we do a better job than a general contractor who has never worked with pro audio before. We welcome challenges! [break] Pro audio rigging design, roof attachment, supplemental structure, sales, support and PE stamped drawings in any US State provided by Polar Focus. Call us today for more information at (413) 586-4444. [break]

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