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Polar Focus® Audio Rigging, Speaker Rigging, Line Array Rigging
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`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

Pan Control Products

Pan Control Products

Polar Focus® pan control products include a wide range of devices such as the Zbeam® family for single speaker rigging or audio rigging, the Motor Zbeam® for serviceable line array rigging and clusters, and yokes (also known as U brackets). [break] Control over pan angle, also known as azimuth angle, is critical for modern professional loudspeaker systems with tightly defined dispersion patterns. [break] When working with clusters, Polar Focus® will always provide pan control unless directed otherwise. A center line array cluster is such an example. However, many contractor customers still prefer to have pan control for those situations. It allows the cluster to be serviced on all sides while not requiring the personnel lift to be moved around the cluster. [break] Pro audio rigging design, roof attachment, supplemental structure, sales, support and PE stamped drawings in any US State provided by Polar Focus. Call us today for more information at (413) 586-4444.

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