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Polar Focus® Audio Rigging, Speaker Rigging, Line Array Rigging
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`The bright minds at Polar Focus find ways to make your install go much faster, smoother, and cost you less in labor.`

Tilt Control Products

Tilt Control Products

Polar Focus® products for tilt control include a small number of basic systems. [break] Our Spine Frame Adapter™ for line array rigging allows for accuracy of adjustment to one tenth of a degree while under full load. Tilt Cable Kits are usually the most effective method of tilt control for single speaker rigging or audio rigging. Yokes (also known as U-brackets) are a low cost way to provide pan and tilt control for speakers which have yoke mounting points. Polar Focus will always provide tilt control on any cluster or speaker design unless directed otherwise. [break] Control over tilt angle, also known as elevation angle, is critical for modern professional loudspeaker systems with tightly defined dispersion patterns. The common convention is for 0 degrees of elevation to be considered as aiming straight out at the horizon. -90 degrees of elevation is straight down. [break] Pro audio rigging design, roof attachment, supplemental structure, sales, support and PE stamped drawings in any US State provided by Polar Focus. Call us today for more information at (413) 586-4444.

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